To know your Prakruti please go to Identification of Prakruti
- Pitta dosha in balanced state is mainly responsible for digestion and assimilation of food in the body.
- It is related to heat or energy inside the body
- Pitta is combination of fire and water elements (Agni and Jal Mahabhoot)
- Pitta helps in transformation of Potential energy into Kinetic energy
- It is situated in abdomen, eyes, skin, blood, sweat glands
- In mental health, Pitta represents intelligence, understanding ability, grasping and logical thinking
Imbalance Pitta
- Skin Diseases
- Rashes over the body
- Heat Boils
- Acne
- Indigestion causing Diarrhea
- Piles
- Fissures
- Ulcers
- Unusual bleeding through any part of the body
- Burning Micturition
- Heavy Menstrual Flow
- Hypertension
- Excessive Sweating
- Giddiness
Prominent features of Pitta Prakruti Individuals
- Good Appetite and Digestion Power
- Fair Complexion
- Good Memory and Intelligence
- These people have leadership qualities
- Short Tempered
- More prone to heat related problems like Hyperacidity, Acne, Early Aging and Graying of Hair
Measures to balance Pitta
- Avoid eating oily, spicy, tangy and salty food items
- Try to take sweet, bitter and astringent substances in diet
- Increase intake of juicy fruits like Pomegranate, melons etc
- Avoid pickles, fermented food, green chills etc
In Panchkarma, Virechana is best treatment to balance Pitta dosha
- Scented body packs with coolants and body wraps with mud or herbal medicines are good
- Shirodhara and Takradhara are good for mental stability
- Rakhtmokshan can be done to let out impure blood from body